Our Story


Almost 10 years ago, Brian Butler, founder and CEO of Beartooth Hammocks, was in a brutal motorcycle accident at age 68. Almost ending his life, he was hospitalized and eventually recovered. However, sleeping in a bed was never the same. It was uncomfortable, unsupporting, and ultimately disruptive to his sleep. Turning his focus to the hammocking world in search of respite, he discovered a whole new community and way of sleeping, whether in the backyard or out on the trail. He bought an off-the-shelf hammock and started sleeping outside in the backyard every night. Quickly, problems arose. The hammocks he was trying out were too small, calf ridge too rigid, and overall were uncomfortable for daily use.

Brian quickly learned he needed to make his own and set out on a multi-year experiment to design and perfect a hammock that would fix all the problems he saw relating to comfort, function, and overall reliability. Ever since then, he’s been honing in on a hammock that serves a variety of uses and functions, using himself as the test platform. He manufacturers each hammock himself. The whole family has since joined in on helping him achieve his dream of producing a wonderful product that could improve the camping or full sleeping experience of everyone who needs it.

Get in touch.